What to Expect From Mediation

For many individuals dealing with situations that can lead to legal complications or a possible lawsuit, mediation is often the best alternative. Once you have hired a mediator and are ready to begin the mediation process, you should know what to expect from your mediation session and be prepared for any issues or challenges that may arise. To ensure that your mediation session goes smoothly and successfully, you should carefully read these suggestions to learn what to expect from mediation.

Most likely you have opted for mediation because previous attempts to resolve the issue in the past have been unsuccessful. Perhaps you have even had an informal, personal, and face to face conversation with the person you are having problems with, but the issue did not get resolved. Knowing how the conversations in a mediation setting will be different from those in an everyday situation is essential to understanding how the mediation process works and what to expect from it. During the mediation process, you should expect that:

• Your mediator will not choose sides, but will remain neutral and impartial to the matters being discussed.
• Your mediator will work to facilitate open discussion between both parties.
• Your mediator will not be responsible for making any decisions or resolutions. This will occur between you and the other party of mediation.
• While your mediator may provide helpful information that may aid in conflict resolution, this will not include legal advice.
• Your mediator will work to ensure that both you and the other participant of mediation are able to speak and respond to the concerns at hand.
• Your mediator will make sure that the discussions between you and your mediation partner remain civil, cordial, and non-abrasive.
• Your mediator will keep any and all information discussed between you and your mediation partner during the mediation confidential.
• Your mediator will work to resolve your dispute quickly and efficiently, and will encourage constructive methods of conflict resolution.
• Your mediation process will be able to be paused or cancelled at any time, as your presence and participation is fully voluntary.